CERN, the world-renowned laboratory for particle physics, has just announced an unprecedented discovery from their Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The...
Read moreNeil Armstrong (astronaut) is changing the radio channel because he needs to report that a UFO is following their spaceship....
Read moreIn 2015. Elon Musk proposed detonated nuclear power plants on Mars as part of his plan to terraform the planet....
Read moreUfologists claimed that these sightings were proof of alien visits. But how real they are, you decide, as always, for...
Read moreNearly 200 ancient pyramids lie along the banks of the Nile River in eastern Sudan’s desert. For around 1000 years,...
GOOGLE Earth fanatics are convinced they’ve spotted a giant UFO “surrounded by tanks” in Death Valley. Images of the mysterious...
In the year 1990, the inhabitants of New Mexico heard a roar in the sky, something unusual, and when looking...
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